Stylelint, Webstorm and SCSS

Published in Tools, SCSS on

My primary IDE for development is Webstorm, and I spend a lot of time in this editor. I write much CSS code more precisely I write SCSS code. And in this article, I want to show you how I set up a Webstorm for working with SCSS.

As you may know, Webstorm has Built-in tools as Stylelint. These useful tools help writing good and clear SCSS code without error in a single style.

So as you understand, we must have some Node.js library because now all frontend working around it. For our example, let's take gulp-boilerplate.

Setup Stylelint

Install Stylelint package

npm i -D stylelint

Go to Webstorm preferences and find Stylelint section:

You can see this section like this


Turn on Stylelint

And setup Stylelint plugin Webstorm, and we see this error

We see this error, can't find a config file

So our next step will be installing three more plugins

npm i -D stylelint-scss stylelint-config-recommended-scss stylelint-order

After that create stylelint config file .stylelintrc at root project directory.

  "extends": "stylelint-config-recommended-scss",
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "indentation": 2,
    "string-quotes": "single",
    "no-duplicate-selectors": true,
    "color-hex-case": "lower",
    "color-hex-length": "short",
    "color-named": "never",
    "selector-combinator-space-after": "always",
    "selector-attribute-quotes": "always",
    "selector-attribute-operator-space-before": "never",
    "selector-attribute-operator-space-after": "never",
    "selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside": "never",
    "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": "always",
    "declaration-colon-space-before": "never",
    "declaration-colon-space-after": "always",
    "property-no-vendor-prefix": true,
    "value-no-vendor-prefix": true,
    "number-leading-zero": "always",
    "function-url-quotes": "always",
    "font-family-name-quotes": "always-where-recommended",
    "comment-whitespace-inside": "always",
    "comment-empty-line-before": "always",
    "at-rule-no-vendor-prefix": true,
    "at-rule-name-case": "lower",
    "at-rule-name-space-after": "always",
    "at-rule-semicolon-space-before": "never",
    "rule-empty-line-before": ["always-multi-line", {
      except: ["after-single-line-comment", "first-nested"]
    "selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside": "always",
    "selector-no-vendor-prefix": true,
    "media-feature-range-operator-space-before": "always",
    "media-feature-range-operator-space-after": "always",
    "media-feature-parentheses-space-inside": "always",
    "media-feature-name-no-vendor-prefix": true,
    "media-feature-colon-space-before": "never",
    "media-feature-colon-space-after": "always",
    "value-list-max-empty-lines": 0,
    "declaration-empty-line-before": "never",
    "block-no-empty": true,
    "shorthand-property-no-redundant-values": true,
    "order/order": [
    "order/properties-order": [

And after that, we see Stylelint works


Ok, we can see common errors, but we do not want to fix it by hand), so Webstorm can help us and fix found errors automatically. So set up it. For this we will be use External Tool

Below you can see full text in fields

$FilePath$ --fix

After that, you can use this tool and fix found errors. Click the right mouse button and check 'stylelint-fix' tool

Click to External Tool - stylelint-fix

BOOM - all error fixed


I hope this article will be helpful who use Webstorm IDE.